CHOW'S WHO PEDIGREES is an online database showing a 3 generation pedigree & a picture for each registered Chow.

The database is
collaborative : everyone is invited to submit Chows (after getting owner's or breeder's permission).

It also offers a lot of
security and reliability :
- right-click is disabled in order to prevent people from copying/stealing picture without permission of the Chow's owner,
- submitted pedigrees are reviewed/checked by Chow's Who team ("certified" means that a control with the official pedigree has been done to attest authenticity),
- pedigrees can be submitted by visitors but they are not allowed to alter ancestors and registration numbers. They can update picture, wins and health tests only if they bred, owned or submitted the Chow.

More information about terms & conditions.

Registered members & non-members
Click here to submit picture and pedigree (addition will take about 8-10 days)
Registered members only
Click here to type your Chow details and set up its online pedigree (instant addition).
Becoming a Chow's Who member allow you to :
- instant-add pedigrees by yourself,
- quickly view chows you bred, owned or submitted (on your account),
- make trial pedigrees,
- update picture (for Chows you bred, owned or submitted),
- update wins & healths (for Chows you bred, owned or submitted),
- add/remove your contacts details from your Chows.

Country of breeding : Top 10

FR (1034)
GB (980)
ZA (241)
IT (194)
NL (183)
CA (177)
RU (152)
DK (151)
SE (146)
US (140)
Red : 55.34%
Black : 18.45%
Blue : 4.74%
Cream : 10.4%
Fawn : 3.68%
Smooth : 7.4%
Chow's Who Breeders : Top 10

Martineau, Ms E (Du Lee Dou Des Thitounes) - FR (197)
Odenkirchen, Mr F P A (Mi-Pao) - CA (119)
Leroy, Ms B (Ciao) - ZA Facebook (100)
Jakeman, Ms S (Tanlap) - GB (74)
Cotucheau, Ms A (Du Yang Tse Kiang) - FR (73)
Buurman Bil, Ms K (Of The Royal Club) - NL (72)
Campi & Carinelli, Ms T & Mr M (Dei Leoni Imperiali) - IT (71)
Holmli, Ms M & Mr B (Pei Fang) - NO (64)
Deschamps, Ms C (Orikin's) - FR (53)
Godber, Mr S & Ms P (Lechan) - GB (53)

Chow's Who Owners : Top 10

Martineau, Ms E (Du Lee Dou Des Thitounes) - FR (129)
Odenkirchen, Mr F P A (Mi-Pao) - CA (78)
Campi & Carinelli, Ms T & Mr M (Dei Leoni Imperiali) - IT (50)
Cotucheau, Ms A (Du Yang Tse Kiang) - FR (48)
Buurman Bil, Ms K (Of The Royal Club) - NL (45)
Godber, Mr S & Ms P (Lechan) - GB (41)
Jakeman, Ms S (Tanlap) - GB (41)
Stagebo, Mr M & Ms A (Stagebo's) - DK Facebook (33)
Vigo Navajon, Ms N (De Los Perros De Bigo) - ES (32)
Baruffaldi, Mr S (Del Ceppo Rosso) - IT Facebook (30)

Chow's Who Pedigrees

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